Power Transfer Switch Controler.
The ENCP™ 6.4 is a Power Transfer Switch Controller. Designed to monitor the voltage and frequency of the incoming AC supply from two different sources, which could be from both generator or mains (utility), or a combination of both. The system will monitor S1 (source 1) and in the event of a failure will issue a start command to S2 (source 2).
Once S2 is available and producing an output within limits, the system will control the transfer device and switch the load from S1 to S2. Once the S1 supply returns to within limits, the system will command a load return to S1and shutdown S2.
Various timing sequences are available to prevent nuisance starting on minor supply breaks.
The ENCP™ 6.4 supports many topologies and features include mains (utility) rated volt-free relays, a clear back-lit LCD 4-line text display, showing system status and warnings and red and green LEDs indicating operational status.
The system includes USB, RS232 and RS485 ports as well as dedicated terminals for system expansion, this gives features such as remote PC monitoring and SMS text alerts (with external modem).
Configurable inputs and outputs make the ENCP™ 6.4 fully flexible to suit a wide variety of applications.
ATS Controllers
ATS Controllers
ATS Controllers
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